Emergency Dentist Perth
Do you require an emergency dentist? Dentista offers emergency dentists that are available today. We offer same day treatment and have an emergency dentist open during our business hours... call now!
Emergency Dentist Near Me
Do you require an emergency dentist for emergency dental treatment or urgent dental care? Visit the team at Dentista Dental Centre and see one of our dentist. We have a team of experienced emergency dentists in Perth, WA. We have same day appointments for emergency dental care.

Emergency Dentist Near me: Dentista is an Emergency Dentist Perth - emergency dental clinic
Emergency Dentist Perth Quick Menu - Click Below if you need Information for the following emergency dental services
Do you have Same Day Appointments for Emergency Dentistry?
Yes, we have appointments available today. At Dentista, we keep slots available for dental emergencies and will usually be able to fit you in on the same day. If you require emergency dental care we will always try our best to see you as soon as possible. Please call or book now.
How do I Know if I Need Emergency Dental Treatment
If you are in any sort of pain, have a chipped tooth, fractured or cracked tooth, or a tooth that has been knocked out then you need to see an emergency dentist.
Emergency Dentist
Chipped, Fractured or Cracked Tooth
Emergency Dentist near me - Emergency Dentist Perth
Teeth are actually amazingly strong. Did you know that your teeth are actually the hardest thing in your body? Despite this, teeth do chip, fracture and crack. If you have any teeth with fillings or crowns, then they are at higher risk of breaking compared to your natural teeth. Read on below for what to do if any one of these happens to you. As always, see an emergency dentist as soon as possible. We also have a special interest in amalgam fillings removal and restorations of cracked amalgam fillings.
A Chipped or Fractured Tooth.
First rinse your mouth with clean water, and try and remove any loose or broken bits of tooth remaining. Avoid chewing on the area. If you are in pain, take a pain reliever and head to an emergency dentist at your first opportunity.
A Cracked Tooth
Cracks unfortunately are a bit more serious and tricky. If you crack your tooth, please come and see us as soon as possible. If you grind your teeth, the best thing you can do is to get fitted for and wear a night guard. Unfortunately chances are, that if you grind your teeth, one day you may end up with a crack in your tooth. Cracks are even more likely to happen if your teeth have silver fillings (amalgam) in them.
Knocked Out Tooth
If you require an emergency dentist for a knocked out tooth... Don't panic, many people each year lose a tooth due to some type of trauma. If you follow these steps you stand a good chance of not only saving the tooth, but having it kept healthy for many years to come.
Pick up the Tooth by the Crown Rather than the Root.
Try not to touch the root at all and pick up the tooth straight away
If the Tooth is Dirty, Gently Give it a Rinse with Milk, or Water.
It is best to use milk, however if you are somewhere and there is no milk available then you can use water, or even your own saliva. Don't try to use any soaps or chemicals on the tooth. The cells on the root of the tooth are very delicate, and can be damaged easily. They can survive for a short time in milk. The best chance of survival is if you replant the tooth straight away. Get to the emergency dentist as soon as possible
Emergency Dentist Perth - The Crown of the Tooth is the Top Part of the Tooth that is Above the Gum, the Root is Below the Gum with the 2 Prongs. Handle the Tooth by the Crown.
Reposition the tooth in the socket immediately, if possible.
Once you have picked up the tooth by the crown, and given it a gentle rinse, try to reposition the tooth back in the mouth as it was prior to the trauma. If there is dirt on the root of the tooth rinse gently - do not scrub the blood or the gum that is attached to the tooth off. This gum is very important to helping your tooth heal once it's replanted. Gently, using your fingers push the tooth back into the socket and then slowly bite down with your teeth. To keep the tooth stable until you see your emergency dentist, you can put your mouthguard in if you have it available, or make a mouthguard from al-foil to keep it stable until you get to see us.

Dr Carla and Dr Meheranch during their time at university, making a temporary mouthgaurd from al-foil. If your tooth is knocked out, you can use al-foil in a similar way to keep your tooth stable till you get to the emergency dentist Perth.
Keep the tooth moist at all times
You must try to keep the tooth moist at all times if possible. As stated the best way to do this, is to try to put the tooth back in the socket. If this is not a viable option, then the next best option is using an alkaline base such as milk. If no milk is available, water is OK, however the cells on the ligament of the tooth root will die after a couple of minutes.
Tooth trauma needs to be monitored for many years.. the sooner you get to the dentist, the better chance for you to keep your tooth.
If you follow these steps, you will in the best position to hopefully save your tooth for many years to come.
Emergency Dentist Perth for Baby Tooth Knocked Out
Most importantly DO NOT REPLANT the baby tooth. The adult teeth are lying just below the gum, and if you push a baby tooth back into the gum where it was knocked out you risk damaging the growing adult tooth underneath.
If you are unsure if it is a baby tooth or an adult tooth, place the tooth in milk and bring it to your emergency dentist asap. The emergency dentist will inspect the tooth and take some X-rays first. This is to make sure that there isn't any damage to the adult teeth from the trauma.
Emergency Dentist Perth - you can see the effects on adult teeth when baby teeth are not professionally treated by a dentist after a trauma
Dr Carla shows what can happen if baby teeth are not looked after the right way by an emergency dentist when they are knocked out. Dr Carla's front bottom teeth were knocked out when she was a baby. They were stuck back in but not done professionally by an emergency dentist Perth. The result was that when her adult teeth came in they were traumatised. You can see the divets from the disclosing solution which shows evidence of the trauma.
Trauma or divets can cause problems later in life. The disclosing solution here tells the story. Anywhere that is not smooth or where there is a join of some type, that is where the plaque can get caught... and with it comes the increase of risks of cavities. A visit to an emergency dentist on the day of the trauma, would most likely have not led to this outcome.
Emergency Dentist Perth - Adult or permanent teeth lay just behind the baby teeth as shown by this image. Replanting baby teeth may cause the permanent teeth to come through either with trauma or crooked. Don't replant baby teeth, see an emergency dentist as soon as possible.
Baby Tooth Knocked Out of Position
If a baby tooth is knocked loose or out of position due to injury or trauma, we recommend coming in to see the emergency dentist
We will recommend X-rays and also advise a soft diet for a few days giving time for the tooth to stabilise. If a tooth is very loose and interfering with the bite, it may be preferable to extract it or grind it down as it can be quite uncomfortable for the child to bite together.
The same advice holds true for a baby tooth that has become chipped. In most cases, the tooth can also be repaired with bonding material if you see an emergency dentist in appropriate time..
Bitten Lip, Tongue, Cheek
A bitten lip, tongue or cheek can have an effect on the gums and teeth, so it is important to go see a dentist as soon as practically possible.
Emergency Dentist Perth for Bitten Tongue
The rule of thumb is that if your tongue goes back into its resting place and the gap closes, the tongue will naturally heal itself and you don't have to see a dentist. If this is not the case however then you will need to get this seen to. Generally the mouth and tongue heals very quickly and will not require stitches. The other thing to check is how long it takes for bleeding to stop. Again the rule of thumb here is that if the cut does not stop bleeding in 15 minutes, it's time to come and see us. All this said, if you have any doubt or concern, come and see the emergency dentist.. its better safe than sorry.
Emergency Dentist Perth for Bitten Lip
We have all experienced biting our lip before, but at what point should you see a dentist for this? As for the upper lip, most commonly falling is the reason for this but of course trauma can come from many forms. Examine the gums and teeth and note any bleeding, cuts or damage to the mouth in general. If you see or feel pain, swelling or major cuts, please come in and see the dentist.
Lower lip cuts are generally caused by the lower teeth. The rule of thumb here is to make sure that the cut has not gone through the lower lip. If it has not, then it should heal on its own
Emergency Dentist Perth for Bitten Cheek
If you have bitten your cheek, you should do the following steps
check for bleeding. If bleeding has occurred, it is advised to apply a cloth as gentle pressure.
Rinsing with warm salt water can help alleviate any discomfort and help the wound to heal.
Of course, if you feel that it is quite serious, please come and see us.
Emergency Dentist for a Toothache

Tooth pain is not pleasant to say the least. There are many possible causes of tooth pain. Such examples include
tooth pain from the nerve
tooth pain from sinuses
tooth pain after extraction
tooth pain after a filling
tooth pain in the gum
tooth pain when biting
what ever the cause, seeing an emergency dentist can provide tooth pain relief and possible remedies. Of course if you see us, we will look at the mouth as a whole and identify where the pain is coming from and aim to fix the cause itself. Possible treatments may include, extraction or root canal treatment. We can offer pain relief and also have plumbed in nitrous oxide (laughing gas) both for pain relief during the treatment and to eliminate any possible anxiety you may have. Please see our page on anxious patients for more info on this.
Emergency Dentist for an Abscess
An abscessed tooth can be very painful. The abscess generally appears in the gum, and may be a diffuse swelling, or a small pimple like area that pus may drain from
The cause of dental abscesses can come from a rotten tooth, a cracked tooth, gum disease, incomplete root canal treatment, or a tooth that has had root canal treatment that has become reinfected.
the treatment for an abscess is usually a root canal treatment or an extraction. If the abscess is very large sometimes it is beneficial to have a course of oral antibiotics first, and then provide the dental treatment
An abscess is definitely a case in which you should see an emergency dentist.
Lost Filling or Crown
losing a dental crown is considered a dental emergency and you should come and see an emergency dentist Perth as soon as possible. Generally a crown is on a tooth to strengthen the tooth after for example
a root canal treatment is done
decay has been fixed and the crown has been put on to strengthen the tooth.
A crownless tooth generally is not structurally strong and will deteriorate quickly. Without seeing an emergency dentist Perth in a short period of time, the tooth may break or disintegrate.
If you swallow your crown, do not panic. Crowns are made with non toxic material and will pass through the body without harm. Do not attempt to use an adhesive to stick the crown back on the tooth, as it will just make the job more difficult to place the crown back on the tooth. Not to mention as well that most adhesives are poisonous. Please just come in to see the emergency dentist.
The other benefit of seeing an emergency dentist Perth straight away if your crown has come out is that we may able able to keep and reuse the original crown. Another reason to come as soon as possible to see the emergency dentist Perth is that teeth are able to move slightly. If your crown has come off and you would like to have it recemented, the sooner you visit the emergency dentist the more likely the tooth will be in the same position and the existing crown will still fit. If you wait a long time to see the emergency dentist, the crown may not fit anymore and a new crown may need to be made. ​
Object Stuck in Teeth or Gum
Emergency Dentist: We have all experienced some food or foreign object (popcorn!) stuck in our teeth or gums at one stage or another... but what would constitute a dental emergency to see a emergency dentist or needing urgent dental care? Basically if something is stuck in your teeth and despite your best efforts, you can't get it out, or it is giving you pain then at this stage you should come and see the dentist.
The problem is that if something is stuck in the teeth or gums for a period of time, then if will get irritated and possibly infected, which is not good for your oral health. If you can, first try use some good quality floss. (see our videos on cleaning teeth here) and get right under the gums to try to get the food or object out. We recommend suing floss by oral B (professional) see below for photo. You can get this from Coles, Woolworths, Chemist Warehouse etc. Another tool to try is the pikster, as often you can leverage the pick to get the object out of your teeth/gums. If this fails however, please come and see the emergency dentist. We have specialised tools that will help our emergency dentist get out the foreign object.
If you can't dislodge an object stuck in your teeth with a good floss like this oral B Professional - It's time to see the emergency dentist
Emergency Dentist Cost
Please come across to our Fees and Payment Options page. You can also find out about all questions associated with private health cover here. Of course if you do not have insurance we can still treat you and offer payment plans as per below. At the end of the day, please come and see us when you have the dental emergency and we will sort out your finances.
Emergency Dentist with Payment Plans
We have payment plans if you need it using both Afterpay and Humm. If you wish to find out more, please click Afterpay or Humm. ​