Tooth Extraction

Extractions are removal of teeth. There are many reasons a tooth is better off out of your mouth than in!
Some reasons for a tooth extraction may include;
it is cracked and cannot be fixed
it is giving you pain
it is infected
to improve the alignment of your teeth by creating more space
there is no space for it to come through (for example, wisdom teeth)
The page below will tell you everything you need to know from what happens to what is that tooth extraction healing white stuff that forms after an extraction
To remove a tooth we get everything very numb. We then wiggle the tooth out. We are the go-to destination to have your tooth gently removed in the Noranda, Morley and Dianella area

A lovely patient having a surgical extraction with the nitrous oxide (laughing gas) sedation
Sometimes we need to section the tooth into smaller segments, or remove a bit of the bone holding the tooth. If this is the case we push the gum back, and you will go home with some stitches and a script for antibiotics and pain relief.
If you are anxious about having your tooth removed, we have laughing gas and other options to help relax you. Give us a call to chat about your options!
Tooth Extraction Cost Perth
How much for a tooth extraction?
Tooth Extraction cost Perth - The following are the cost of tooth extraction including the dental item numbers and costs 2022 for tooth extraction cost Perth and Wisdom teeth removal cost Perth and rotten tooth cost Australia
Tooth Extraction Cost Perth:
The cost of a simple tooth extraction: dental item code 311 is $180
The cost of a surgical extraction: dental item number code 324 is $400
X-ray: dental item code 022 $45
A straight forward, simple tooth extraction requires no cutting of the tooth or the bone to get it out. Teeth that require an extraction can sometimes require more effort or coaxing to come out. In this case, we may have to drill the tooth and or the bone holding it tight. This type of tooth extraction is known as a surgical extraction. When both are required the fee for (tooth extraction cost Perth) is $400 as displayed above. Teeth that are more likely to require surgical removal are teeth that are rotten/broken down, and also that that have big roots. Lastly we may have to perform a surgical extraction for a tooth that gets stuck (like wisdom teeth).
Rotten Tooth Extraction Cost Australia
The price for rotten tooth extraction cost Australia is usually closely related to surgical extraction costs. Quite often a rotten tooth will require some sort of drilling or broken up into parts to extract them.
Rotten tooth extraction comes under a surgical extraction and the rotten tooth extraction cost Australia ranges from $180 to $400. As above an x-ray is also required item 022 $45.
Is tooth Extraction Painful
Is there pain from tooth extraction? well yes and no
During a tooth extraction procedure, you will be numbed up with local anaesthetic so you won't feel any pain, but you can feel pressure and occasionally there are some noises. If you would like to learn about this process more, we have an article on local anaesthetic. So from the procedure itself you wont feel any pain from tooth extraction.
If you would like to be more comfortable during the procedure of a tooth extraction, we have nitrous oxide or laughing gas available. This will reduce any anxiety you may have with the procedure, and it wears off quickly so you can drive home 15 minutes later. To find out more about this option, please see our page on anxious patients.
After the tooth extraction, you may feel some discomfort and pain
Pain relief for tooth extraction comes is generally sufficient with paracetamol and ibuprofen (such as nurofen). If your tooth extraction requires a little more work then sometimes the Dentist may prescrube you antibiotics or stronger pain medication.
How long does pain last after tooth extraction
throbbing pain after tooth extraction?
how long does pain last after tooth extraction? You can expect your mouth where the tooth was to be swollen and a bit sore for 3-7 days. You may have a throbbing pain after tooth extraction and normally this should be managed with over the counter pain relievers.
It is also important to note that the surrounding teeth hurt after tooth extraction. This is due to the whole area around the extracted tooth becoming swollen as part of your body's inflammatory response.
If you are experiencing tooth extraction pain after 7 days, it's time to come and see the dentist. Some of the reasons that you are experiencing tooth extraction pain after 7 days include:
Infection of the gum and or bone
potential problems or infection with a nearby tooth
Tooth Extraction Healing
Normal Socket after Tooth Extraction
What does a normal socket after tooth extraction look like? In essence, after a tooth extraction, we want to see the formation of a nice and healthy blood clot. A blood clot is your body's way of forming a protective layer over the underlying bone and gum, and importantly your nerve endings (where pain sensors occur). Once your body produces a good blood clot after a tooth extraction, it can then start the process of healing the bone, gums and nerve endings. So a tooth extraction blood clot is what we are looking for in terms of good healing qualities from a tooth extraction.
what does blood clot after tooth extraction look like - pictures below of one situation that is not normal with a dry socket, and one picture of fibrin or the tooth extraction healing white stuff around the extraction site which is very normal
what should a tooth extraction look like when healing pictures
tooth extraction healing pictures
What is dry socket after tooth extraction? Dry socket tooth extraction
Dry socket tooth extraction is when this blood clot we have been discussing and looking for, fails to develop or dislodges. People often describe their tooth extraction socket as a 'black hole' or 'empty' and food often gets stuck in there. Quite often if you are going to get a dry socket it will happen with a third molar or a wisdom tooth. A dry socket is a somewhat common issue with a tooth extraction, and is painful because the bone is exposed and not protected by the blood clot or gum anymore. Dry sockets after a tooth extraction are more common in women and people who are immuno-compromised. If you have a dry socket your dentist will flush it out with saline and encourage a new blood clot to form. They may also put in a sedative dressing to encourage pain relief and healing. Dry sockets still heal, they tend to take a bit longer and be more sore for longer compared to a health healing socket. Below is a picture of dry socket. You can see the typical features of a dry socket with the lack of a blood clot and the 'black hole'.

Picture of dry socket - Here we can see an example of pictures of dry socket vs normal healing. The mirror shows the gap and lack of blood clot resulting in the 'black hole'. It can be painful and you should come and see the dentist
Tooth Extraction Healing White Stuff?
Somewhat surprisingly, this is one of the most common questions we hear. What is the tooth extraction healing white stuff that you see after an extraction? Well the 'white stuff' is from the fibrin in the granulation tissue.. and it is part of the healing process. Basically after your tooth extraction, a blood clot will generally form around and over the extraction site. The white stuff is healthy and normal. The colour of the gum will return to normal once the socket has completely healed.
So the tooth extraction healing white stuff is fibrin. What is fibrin you ask? Take a look at the picture below which shows on a microscopic level what fibrin is.
Fibrin is your bodies response to an injury or pain. It is the sticky white stuff that clumps over the red blood cells. From a technical standpoint it is an insoluble protein that traps the platelets and red blood cells in order to form blood clots. So think of fibrin.. this white stiff in tooth extraction site, like a sticky, water resistance substance that keeps your blood platelets together in order to start the healing process. Without fibrin your wound from the extraction would keep bleeding.
So the tooth extraction healing white stuff is perfectly normal and healthy.. so be pleased if you have or see it forming around the extraction area.
tooth extraction healing white stuff stages and gum swelling 2 weeks after tooth extraction

Tooth extraction healing white stuff - your body's response to pain and injury
Tooth Extraction After Care
The following will be given to you after your extraction but in essence, here is what to expect and what you should and shouldn't do after a tooth extraction. This will be for as soon as you leave the dental practice.
Your bleeding should now be under control. However, continue to bit down on the gauze pad that you will be given for 20 minutes. If bleeding continues, use a new gauze pad to keep pressure on the socket. This is best done in front of a mirror to make sure you do not bite your lip and also to ensure the gauze is directly on the socket.
Do NOT rinse vigorously for the rest of the day
Starting tomorrow, gently bathe your mouth with warm saltwater after every meal for 2-3 days. One half cup of warm water to 1/2 teaspoon of salt
Avoid smoking and alcohol for the next 48 hours.
It is normal to experience discomfort, bruising and swelling for up to 7 days after your extraction. Take painkillers as needed to manage any discomfort. However, please avoid Aspirin as this may make you bleed or bruise more. Also ensure you do not exceed maximum recommended doses of paracetamol as it is commonly combined with other medication in the same tablet
Eat soft foods until you feel comfortable (see the next section for specifics on food). Avoid small granular foods like rice and lentils for 48 hours.
Brush and floss teeth gently around the area for the next 24 hours.
Contact us ASAP if you experience fever, excessive swelling and pain, or if bleeding contnures into the next morning.
If pain is worsening after 3-4 days then also please contact us.
What to eat after tooth extraction
What can I eat after tooth extraction?
Generally your mouth and area around the extraction will have some swelling and inflammation.. therefore we recommend soft foods after tooth extraction.
when can i eat after tooth extraction? For the first 24 hours, we recommend you only have liquids of foods that don't require chewing and can easily be ingested.
What to eat after tooth extraction exactly? Here are some ideas:​
Soups, protein shakes or other smoothies, yogurt
when can i eat solid food after tooth extraction? Generally you can eat softer foods that don't require much chewing after 24 hours of having a tooth extraction
What to eat after tooth extraction post 24 hours?
as per before plus foods like mash potato's, eggs, vegetable soups (ones with a bit more solids in them, but not large chunks of hard meat), oatmeal
how long after a tooth extraction can you eat? There's no set time for this but like the previous recommendation, only consume liquids or easily digestible foods that do not require chewing for the first 24 hours.
Infected tooth Extraction
infection after tooth extraction - see the dentist as soon as possible
There are 2 types of infection that can occur:
bone infection after a tooth extraction
infected socket after tooth extraction
a bone infection after tooth extraction will generally able to be seen and felt 1 to 2 days after the tooth extraction.
an infected socket is when the socket gets infected. As previously discussed, the socket is the blood blot that forms around the extracted tooth. As we stated, we want to see that 'tooth extraction healing white stuff' or fibrin form around the area of the tooth extraction. An infection rather than this white stuff will present as redness, puss, inflammation and pain..
An infected socket after tooth extraction is not to be confused with a dry socket. As discussed, a dry socket is when the clot is removed or dislodged, resulting in visible bone which can be very painful.
As well as swelling and redness, other signs that you have a bone infection after a tooth extraction or an infected socket after a tooth extraction include
bad breath that does not go away after brushing
bitter taste that also doesn't go away
pain that is persistent despite pain killers
puss and oozing that comes from the site
swelling of the gums
swollen glands
swollen jaw
pain that goes throughout and down the jaw
infection after a tooth extraction can be quite serious as it may lead to sepsis of the blood. Again if you do suspect an infection, please don't hesitate to call our dentists.​
If you require a tooth extraction or have had a tooth extraction and want to check either the 'tooth extraction healing white stuff' or other issues that may present with your recovery, please come and see us.