Dr Francis Fong

Dentist Dr Francis Fong
Dr Francis Fong, Dentist Noranda and Dentist Morley at Dentista Dental Centre
Male Dentist - General Dentist
Chinese dentist - Chinese dentist Perth - Speaks Chinese, Mandarin and Cantonese
Hi! I was born in Hong Kong and moved to Perth with my family when I was three years old and I’ve lived in Dianella most of my life. I’m fluent in both English and Cantonese and proficient in Mandarin.
Dr Fong attended both high school and university in Perth and he completed his Doctor of Dental Medicine from the University of Western Australia with Distinction (DMD).
Dr Fong is a caring and patient-oriented dentist and enjoy all aspects of dentistry. He has treated patients in both public and private sectors and his favourite part of dentistry is helping his patients regain their confidence in their smile and seeing improvement in their oral health. Dr Fong is a strong advocate of delivering the highest quality dental care to all his patients and working closely with them to come up with the most suitable and personalized treatment plan.
Dr Fong ensure that he is always up to date with new advances in dentistry by attending professional development courses regularly so that he can provide the best quality treatment for his patients.
Outside of Dentistry
Outside of dentistry, Dr Fong says he enjoys spending time with his family and friends, trying out new restaurants and cafes that pop-up around Perth, playing sports like tennis, going on hikes, and travelling.
Dr Francis Fong will look after your smile. Book in with Dr Fong today for your Dentist in Morley and Noranda
If you are looking for a Chinese dentist or a dentist speak Chinese please give us a call or book online now.
Dr Francis Fong is a dentist who speaks Chinese, and can speak both the Mandarin and Cantonese dialect - dentist Chinese.
大家好!我叫Francis Fong 出生于香港,在三岁时跟隨父母来到珀斯定居。我一直都在Dianella 區生活.我精通英语和粤语,普通话也不错。
我的高中和大学都是在珀斯完成.并且在西澳大学的专业领域Doctor of Dental Medicine里取得了Distinction的良好成绩。
欢迎您们和Dr Francis Fong预约。他在Morley和Noranda坐诊。Dr Francis会照顾好你美丽的笑容的!
If you are looking for a Chinese dentist or a Chinese dentist Perth, please give us a ring or book online now.

Dr Francis Fong on a ski trip to Japan

Dr Francis Fong Climbs Bluff Knoll in the South West